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 Welcome To The Longest Running
Wildlife Sanctuary In Kentucky.

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 W  lf Run

Wolf Run is a 501 C 3 Non Profit Charity and a  U.S.D.A. Licensed Facility

 Our Newest Rescue!

If we could ask for your help! If everyone who has expressed their feelings towards helping these animals would donate just $10.00…it would help so much! Our vet bills of late are more than they’ve ever been. Please help us care for our seniors and those who cannot help themselves.

Got a call about a coyote who was injured and had been in the same area for days. We headed out to the site and loaded him into a crate and headed to our vet! Not very good news but also could have been worse. His pelvis is broken, hip out of socket, and a broken back but not severed and he is not paralyzed. With surgery he will be unable to be released. With time he may have a chance! He will be at the refuge where he will be confined for at least five weeks. During that time, he will be on pain meds, antibiotics and a lot of supplements! Keep our boy in your thoughts and prayers! He has a rough road ahead of him.

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 We cannot do this without you!

Your support is the difference in their life or their deaths!



 RESCUED From a padlock and chain!

We have an urgent plea and are counting on our animal lovers for help. We were contacted by a Fed-X driver who could not stand seeing the animal being abused. Day after day, his deliveries took him right by this wolf dog and he could see the animal worsening, his spirit nearly extinguished from a life of mistreatment.

His name is ,”Wesson.” This wolf hybrid has been living on a chain, padlocked at both ends. He is at

least four years old.

We finally received an owner surrender commitment last night.

Please help us raise the funds to build him a new habitat. Please… this will not only help him but open up space to help several others.

Our habitats must be encompassed by a perimeter fence which is as expensive as building two! This is a USDA requirement for the safety and protection of both animals and people.

This sweet boy deserves so much more than this pit- you can be poor and still be clean and care for what you have!

Thank you in advance and please know that every dollar is a step forward in giving life back to an animal in need! Our goal is $7500.00. Wesson needs you!

 A Salute To Our Seniors

 We attribute their longevity to love, care and providing each of them room to run, sunshine, green grass and the companionship of others. 

 "Razz" Age 20 Years Old


Mission Statement


 This sweet boy came to us as a puppy. He was purchased by a young man at an exotic animal auction and his mother was none to happy when he came home with a wolf dog! Razz was brought to Wolf Run in 2002 and at 20 years of age, continues to flourish! 

 Transformations Past And Present

Fox rescues!

When this baby was found in the road, we had little hope. A head trauma left him with a cracked skull and loss of eyesight. It took months of rehabilitation and many trips to our vet. His prognosis was poor for release, but we continued to work with his coordination and hunting skills.

Then there was the day he proved us all wrong! We watched in amazement as he leapt into the air and skillfully caught a bug! He could see! No butterflies were safe and soon he upgraded to birds! This sweet baby was ready for the wild! By chance we had taken in four other kits who turned out to be

close to our fellows age. They could form a bond then be released together. And that’s exactly what we did!

 What does the fox really say?


 "Giving life back To The Wild"

To Provide:

  • Education

  • Rescue

  • Rehabilitation

  • Release

  • Lifelong Sanctuary

 In a world full of uncertainty, these animals have been given a new life.

With your help we can make a difference!


 Saving Charm


This is, "Charm." She was found tied up and abandoed in Columbia, KY by Animal Control. Though the owner was located, she did not want Charm back. It is no fault of her own that she ended up in this situation.

As a hybrid wolf, she cannot be adopted out, she is considered, "wildlife."  Her choices were finding a rescue that would accept her or euthanization.

It was a unanimous decision of the WRWR staff. We would work harder and save her rather than risk her life. She's only eight months old and deserves so much.

Charm has settled in nicely and is such a happy girl! She plays nonstop and is living her best life!


 Saving Spooky

She laid on the roadside, unable to move, severely dehydrated, starved and left for dead. Someone saw her, stopped, gathered her in their arms and drove her to the first vet clinic they could find open! What was thought to be a young dog, under six months of age, appears to be a true coy dog.


This girls leg was badly broken along with her pelvis. Since she is young it has been advised that her pelvis will heal if left alone and her care contains rest and low key interaction. The leg was beyond casting and would need a specialist to plate the bones back together. What should have been a surgery to perform the plating of the leg turned into an amputation. This was certainly not the outcome we wanted. Spooky is resting comfortably and enjoying all her special treats and attention. We look for a full recovery but the amputation has decreased her chances of release back into the wild. 


A coy dog is a mix of a coyote and a domestic dog. The two rarely mate due to  differences in their mating seasons. A true coydog can be identified through DNA testing. Spooky's is in progress now! This little girl has been so sweet. We want to help her and make sure she has the best life possible! 


 Saving Judge


This boy was living life tied to a tree. He was  so unhappy. His owner reached out and the WR staff made an appointment to visit and evaluate the animal. Once on site, we approached cautiously. Most higher content wolf hybrids are very shy. 

Not this sweetheart! Once unwound from the tree he greeted us like we were old friends! As much as we enjoyed all the licking and tail wagging, we doubted he had much wolf in him! He was so outgoing! We couldn't leave him there! And off we went on yet another adventure! This young man was coming to his forever home at Wolf Run!

 Once settled in we had his DNA testing results and boy were we surprised! See for yourself!

Breed by Percentage



Once fully vetted and neutered, we learned that our new boy was under two years of age!  His name is, "Judge." And he enjoys people so much we decided to try him in the photography program. I'd like to say we worked with him to perfect his poses and his manners, but Judge fell into it like a pro! He gives his heart so readily and consistently makes dreams come true!

We are delighted to announce him as our newest educational ambassador and the star of our wildlife photography program!


 Contact us to book your photo shoot with the wolves! Be it senior photos, family portraits, fantasy shoots, you are guaranteed the experience of a lifetime!


 Saving Sadie!

Saving Sweet Sadie!


Sweet Sadie's owner died. Not one family member or friend wanted her. She was taken to a kill shelter where she stayed until her time was up and she was due to be euthanized.


The number of people that worked to save this senior wolf hybrid is overwhelming. Volunteers rallied for Sadie and she was moved into another shelter to buy her time and spare her life. This shuffling from shelter to shelter began in May and ended on October 21st when she was transported her to Wolf Run.


Sadie is elderly, and was treated for heart worms, and arthritis. Her DNA shows her to be 14% wolf. If not for the women who loved her, she would have died months ago. Welcome To Wolf Run Sadie! We love you!

 Fox Release


 Four fox kits were trapped on a farm in Woodford County and needed some help and a bit more time before being released. 

They spent several months at Wolf Run where they were readied for release. 

They gained their freedom with help from licensed wildlife rehabilitators at Wolf Run!



"Giving Life Back To The Wild!"

 As her name implies, Adrift is a combination of both wild and domestic. She floats in misunderstood areas, as all hybrids do. She belongs neither on a couch or in the wild. 


Her sweet disposition with those amongst her pack is exhibited here as she looks at staff member, Becca Hauer, bottle feeding a baby! Her eyes say it all!


Adrift's (Addy's) DNA labels are 25% grey wolf. She has undergone training to become an educational animal for Wolf Run's, "Never Cry Wolf," program. It's a wonderful comparison to have different percentages of wolf and dog and a definite learning tool for the public!

Addy DNA

Breed by Percentage


 The Insurmountable Importance Of Wildlife Rehabilitators


This fawn attempted to follow her mother over a wire farm fence. She, "almost," made it. But her ankle caught in the wire and left her hanging by her foot! No one really knows how long she was like this. The farm owner cut her down as soon as he saw what had happened and called Wolf Run for help. Once on site, we were sure she had a least a broken pelvis and leg. Her rehabilitation took months. Hours of cleaning wounds and trips to the barn to feed, clean and change bandages. Slowly we began to see her put weight on her bad leg. 

 Physical therapy and hard work paid off! In December we moved her into a stall on the farm where she had been found. Her final few weeks were spent at her release site and then one sunny morning the stall door swung open and once again she was free! She was released there in January of 2021and although she had a slight limp, she was meant for the wild! The stall door remains open for her anytime she becomes hungry or thirsty. The wonderful farm owners keep her food and water out just in case she returns. Our hearts are with her.



 Your Kroger Card Is Magical!

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By magical we mean you don't have to do a thing but sign up !


These programs give back to Wolf Run without costing you a cent!


Your Kroger Card is the key! First sign up using the link provided and choose Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge as your charity.

And that's it! Now every time you go Krogering and use your card, Wolf Run's animals will get a nice donation! You don't have anything to keep up with and once signed up Kroger's takes care of everything! 


Last month's Kroger Community Rewards, donations totaled $840.00! Households just like yours are saving lives by signing up! Its easy and takes only a minute!

 "Volunteers are not paid not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless." 

Are you:





Do you have skills?


Social Media

People skills


 For those who think they are too far in years to work in this field, the majority of our hardest working staff members are over sixty years old! 

 It's that time of year when suddenly everyone on social media knows it's your birthday! Grab the opportunity and sign up to host a birthday fundraiser for Wolf Run! You can set you own amount, you can even raise your amount once your goal is reached! It's a wonderful gift not just for the animals but one of pride and joy for you!

Be sure to sign up for our Birthday Club and get 20% off your shopping experience in our gift shop!

 To meet the ultimate needs of the animals Wolf Run is closed to the public.

 Rescue   Rehabilitation   Release   Lifelong Sanctuary

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