Nothing is more important than the health, happiness and safety of the animals.
Rescuing animals from bad situations and meeting their immediate needs is only a small portion of care. Lifelong support in flea control, worming, vaccinations, bloodwork, dentals and quality feed is a constant continuation that garners their well-being. This is one reason wild animals live longer in captivity. The residents of Wolf Run are not canidates for release back into the wild therefore it's up to us to provide for them just as we would our beloved pets.
How Sponsors Make A Difference
Your sponsorship assist in providing for your animals monthly needs! This includes heartworm prevention, flea control, and worming. Sponsorships aid in providing vitamins and supplements, and yes...even toys! You help in giving them highest quality feed and even contribute to their dentals and yearly vaccinations. The healthier the animals are, the better the chance each have at finding all life has to offer them. Imagine knowing you helped make the life of an innocent animal better. What an amazing feeling!
You get to meet your sponsored animal and see your kindness at work!
Each sponsor receives a full-color picture with their animal! If your animal is starred a different animal will be used for your photograph.
As a non profit charity, your donation is tax deductible!
Each sponsor gets V.I.P. recognition for free admission to all WRWR events!
You will be featured with your animal on the 2016 Official Sponsorship Page!

Buddy has lots of admirers but he needs someone who truly cares about who he is and the special needs that accompany a horse with a deformity.
As a foal, Buddy was viciously attacked by his previous owners dog. It left this boy with most of his nose gone and he lost most of his front teeth. After healing, he was put out in a field with other horses. When WRWR was called in, this little guy had almost starved to death.
It's not an ideal story. Especially for Kentucky,deemed the horse capital of the world.
Like Buddy, we have another chance. Will you love this boy enough to become his sponsor?
Buddies needs include:
Equine Senior Pelleted Feed, beet Pulp, vegetable oil, soft hay, straw, monthly wormer, quarterly farrier service, yearly blood work, yearly vaccinations
Halo has not yet reached his first birthday. His past owner was legally charged with cruelty to animals and Halo was thankfully confiscated from her. He had blood transfusions to keep him alive and taken to a shelter in his past owners home state. Wolf dogs are usually not considered adoptable and in most areas illegal. Halo's chances were not looking good.
WRWR was called in and when asked for help we felt honored to help this baby. Halo is now with us and happy and healthy! His sponsor would help would help keep him that way and he sure does deserve the very best!

Halo's needs include:
Monthly flea control, monthly heartworm prevention, worming, yearly vaccinations, bloodwork, vitamins and supplements, toys.
Parrots are very often discarded due to the amount of time they require, destructive behavior and the very loud vocals that go along with being owned by a parrot.
WRWR has three large parrots, all cockatoo's and excellent at all the aforementioned.
Due to intelligence and the fact that their flight is taken away as well as living life caged, each bird requires considerable stimulation, challenges, and proper environment.
This is how you truly "love" a parrot. By no fault of their own, they need you.

Peaches needs include:
Harrisons Parrot food, fresh fruits and vegetables and an outdoor aviary for spring and summer adventures.
Jericho is a high content wolf dog. He is mostly wolf with a little dog mixed in. He came to WR from a backyard breeder and was bottle raised at Wolf Run. Since he was a small fry, Jericho has been schooled as an educational animal. His travels have taken him to many educational programs as well as commercial work. He has a very gentle soul and calmly enjoys being an exhibit animal for our school programs. He has provided so many with joy, knowledge and lifelong memories! He deserves someone out there that feels as we do. His heart is as golden as his eyes. Can you be Jericho's sponsor?

Jericho's needs include:
Monthly flea control, monthly heartworm prevention, yearly vaccinations and bloodwork and of course, toys.
Elfin came into our rehabilitation program at Wolf Run. He was imprinted from bottle feeding and was not a canidate for release. Since then we have begun using the "blind feeding" method which includes bottles hidden behind a wall to keep fawns from associating humans with nursing or food. All wildlife rehabilitators should focus on incoming fawns being as distant from human smells, sounds and activity as possible. WRWR is home to fawns that have been born blind, suffered loss of limbs, and those that have been kept as illegal pets. These deer are wonderful educational tools for our field trips programs. Gentle, loving and quite, WR's deer are a real treat for visitors. Would you like to sponsor Elfin's needs?

Elfins needs include:
white tail deer feed, wormer, hay, straw and yearly vaccinations.
This is a a real Kentucky Wildcat! Indigenous to our state, Bobcats still inhabit Kentucky. Bob has been raised as a house pet, neutered and cannot be released into the wild. Bob is very friendly and loves to play ball but things take a turn when the ball is not in his court! An excellent example of our native wildlife, Bob and his BFF, Apache, need lots of enrichment and space! Wouldn't it be fun to donate towards WRWR's Kentucky wildcats?

Bob's needs include:
Indigenous trees and plantings, playground sand, water features and most importantly, more space!
"Buddy Fox"
Buddy is a little gray fox that was found as a tiny kit and confused as a puppy. His captors bottle raised Buddy and he lived in an apartment until he was nearly a year old. Ruined for release, Buddy must spend his life in captivity. Buddies sponsor will ensure him as much room as possible so he won't feel so confined. Since he has not known freedom, it would be such a gift for someone to sponsor the little guy a larger habitat! Maybe you might be the special individual who makes all Buddies dreams come true!

Buddy Foxes needs include:
Vitamins and supplements, yearly vaccinations, worming, flea control, more space added to his habitat and chew toys.
These animals are also available for your sponsorships!
If you decide to choose one of the animals below to sponsor please click here to let us know!