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 2022 Never Cry Wolf

 An Educational Program Like No Other!

 Why is this program so important? 

  • Education will provide people with knowledge needed to distinguish the differences between wolves and dogs.

  • Education will deter the the killing of innocent dogs in animal shelters who have been labeled wolves or wolf dogs. 

  • Education will expose back yard breeders who sell dogs as wolves and wolf dogs.

  • Education will open up spaces in sanctuaries as fewer dogs will need rescue and rescuers can cater to wild animals in need.

 Mislabeling Kills...

The outcome for many wolf dogs is sad. They are abandoned by their owners at dog shelters where they are considered unadoptable and euthanized. In most animal shelters it is illegal to adopt a wolf or wolf dog out as they are considered wild life. 

These innocent creatures are unable understand. They remain in the shelter until the vets arrive to inject them with the solutions that stop their hearts. Terrified and confused, they die on a concrete floor in a puddle of urine, surrounded by strangers.



This includes thousands of innocent dogs that are reportedly wolf dogs and sadly, have no wolf content. Their only crime is an uneducated owner and an irresponsible breeder. So many dogs die unnecessarily. When animals are dropped in shelters and owners tell staff the animal is a wolf, they are bound by law to treat  that poor dog just as they would a wild animal. We must help these animals through education and put an end to the suffering of mislabeled animals! 


 Four pure bred Alaskan and Siberian  Huskies


 Education is life.

 This wolf dog puppy was sold  by an irresponsible breeder to buyers who were unprepared for wolf dog  behavior. From the first photo to the second you can see how things changed for both the owners and the puppy. The owners returned the puppy to the breeder who did not refund their payment then gave her away. The young lady was someone who recognized the little animal was in trouble and was committed to doing whatever was necessary to  help her. She is now at Wolf Run. Her name is, "Jury."  

In a gray world, the wolf dog lingers between the wild and domestic. It's not a pretty place to be.

Wolf Run is:

U.S.D.A. Licensed

A No Kill Facility

A 501 c 3 Non profit

Wolf Run Receives no state or gov't funding.


Internships with Wolf Run provide you with knowledge of field work while exposing you the requirements, passion and commitment of caring for wild animals. It's a great precursor to veterinary school and zoo keeping. Students leave with a better understanding of what it takes to to achieve their goals if they Intend to pursue a career in wildlife.

Wildlife Rehabilitation

 In order to become a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in Kentucky you must apply for a permit with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife. Visit their site and carefully read the requirements and expectations. We cannot say enough about the joys of helping innocent wildlife however the time, money and work involved is one that most cannot or will not sacrifice. 

Enjoy nature without leaving home! 


With Your Free Pocket Guide To Kentucky Wildlife Tracks!

 Looking for something to do on a rainy day? After a rain is the best time to head outdoors to do some tracking! The best places to go are muddy areas near water. All kinds of animals go to ponds, rivers and streams to drink. The shore is full of mystery but you can identify your findings with the free Pocket Guide! Take a photo with your phone or print it to take along! 


 Bee A Hero

Seven bee species were added to the endangered species list. All are yellow faced bees native to Hawaii. The honey bee is not an endangered bee. But at the rate of decline many predict it will happen. Climate change, habitat destruction, pesticides, all play a huge part in the loss of bees. Bee's are one of the most important beings on earth. We don't want to lose them! Here are some fun things your family can do to help our little pollinators thrive. 


Create a Bee Bath.

A fun activity that can also help save the bees is creating a bee bath. Fill a shallow bird bath or a small dish or bowl with clean water, and arrange pebbles and stones inside so that they poke out of the water. Bees will land on the stones and pebbles to drink the water as they take a break from foraging and pollinating.

Build homes for native bees.

Did you know that, with the exception of honey bees, most bees are solitary creatures? 70% of bees live underground, while 30% live in holes inside of trees or hollow stems. Since many solitary and bumble bees build their nests in undisturbed land, why not keep an untouched plot of land for them in your garden? “Bee condos” allow solitary bees like mason bees to take up residence and pollinate your garden, and are widely available for sale online. You can also learn how to build your own bee condo and create a better space for solitary bees.


 Plant A Bee Garden!

Bees love hydrangeas, foxgloves, larkspur, roses, clematis, butterfly bush, salvia, sweet William, zinnias, marigolds, alyssum, nasturtium, daisy varieties and just about any type of flower that has blue shades of blooms.

Herbs such as lavender, dill, basil, bee balm, thyme, evening primrose, poppy and goldenrod are favorites of honey bees.

The Lights Are About To Go Out On Lightning Bugs!

Fireflies and lightning bugs are the same insect, and are actually beetles.


Fireflies are fun to watch because they light up. A combination of an enzyme called luciferase reacts with luciferin creating the glow on the abdomen of the firefly.

 Build a firefly habitat in your yard!

Gardeners often don’t realize gardens make for great firefly habitat, helping to replace lost natural habitat. The common firefly — the Big Dipper firefly (Photinus pyralis) — readily takes to an organic habitat. The trick is to make your garden as inviting as possible for fireflies to take up residence.

Gardens are meccas for food fireflies eat. If you have fought off snails, slugs, various insects, worms then fireflies can lend a hand by helping to control these pests.

Fireflies spend up to 95% of their lives in larval stages. They live in soil/mud/leaf litter and spend from 1-2 years growing until finally pupating to become adults. This entire time they eat anything they can find. As adults, they only live 2-4 weeks. Females that have mated successfully need a place to lay eggs. They will lay eggs in many spots, but gardens offer an oasis with a source of soil moisture good for larval development.


Number of Species

In North America, there are an estimated 170+ species. Worldwide there is estimated 2000+ species. These numbers are going up as new Lampyridae species are described by scientists.


Why Blink?

The purpose of blinking is so that male fireflies can find potential mates. If you watch long enough you will be able to pick up on their unique flash pattern. Try to remember it so that next time you see a firefly flash you can identify it.

Fireflies were as ubiquitous in the summer night sky as stars. Now the insects are facing extinction, and yes, humans are to blame. Of the nearly 2,000 species of fireflies across the world, 200 are found in the U.S. However, many of those that were once common have now disappeared.

 Other ways to attract fireflies.

  • Assess your soil health.

  • If you have poor soil, introduce nutrients such as bag compost, leaves, and organic matter.

  • Till your soil or use a no-till technique such as using a broadfork to open soils. This is especially important if working in a native area to avoid disruption of habitat. Tilling or using a broadfork to loosen soil adds some aeration and prevents soil from compacting.

  • Avoid use of broad spectrum pesticides, especially lawn chemicals.

  • Turn off outside lights and advocate for local “Dark Skies” policies to control light pollution.

  • Buy land to protect species.

  • Let log and leaf litter accumulate. Segment an area of your land/yard to remain in a natural state.

  • Plant trees and native grasses. Grasses and forbs help retain soil moisture.

  • Don’t over-mow your lawn.


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Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge is a registered 501(c)3  EIN 311557266

Office: Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge, 499 Bob O Link Dr, Lex. KY 40503

Ph. 859-227-8650 text only please

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 Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge is closed to the public for the well being of the animals.

The refuge is located on 15 acres in Jessamine County, KY.

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