Wolf Run In The News
Erica Bivens
Our friend from WTVQ isn't just another pretty face!

Erica joins the ABC 36 family as a Co-Anchor of Good Morning Kentucky weekday mornings from 5am-7am with Doug High and Good Day Kentucky weekday mornings from 9am to 10am.
She is also a Web and Social Media Content Producer.
Erica graduated in three and a half years from Michigan State University with a Bachelor's degree in Broadcast Journalism and specialization in Women, Gender and Social Justice.
Although she hails from Michigan, Erica has worked as a News Reporter/Sports Anchor for the CBS-affiliate in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. Prior to that, she worked for a PBS-affiliate there covering all types of news – even providing live reports for The Weather Channel during her first hurricane. She then moved to Lake Charles, Louisiana and worked as the Weekend Anchor/Reporter at KPLC, the NBC/FOX/CW affiliate. Erica comes to Lexington from the Huntington area where she worked at WSAZ, an NBC/CW affiliate in West Virginia, as a weekday evening anchor covering the tri states of Ohio and Kentucky as well.
In addition to her background on TV, Erica has worked in radio, served as the PA announcer for the Class A "Lansing Lugnuts" and hosted Carnival parades in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Some of her favorite hobbies include running, reading, hiking, spending time with her husband and taking pictures of their furbabies. Erica is big on community involvement, having served as a board member for Dress for Success, volunteered as a Big with Big Brothers Big Sisters, worked on the Mayor's Armed Forces Commission in Lake Charles and hosted countless events.
She hopes you can connect with her on Facebook: EricaBivensTV and on Twitter: @ericabivens or Instagram: erica.bivens. You can also email her at ebivens@wtvq.com. Please send all event inquiries via email. Erica is excited to explore Lexington and the outdoors and - of course - meet all of you!
A note from Mary
Hindsight shines a bright light on the importance of choices. Purchasing the land that has been home to Wolf Run for nearly 40 years was a decision that has saved the lives of many innocent animals. The grounds make up 13.5 acres and are located on a rocky hillside in Kentucky.
You will not see blacktopped drives or a visitors center. Our focus lies in the animals welfare and what can be done to correct their past and improve their futures. We are not a zoo. We are not open to the public. We do not buy or sell animals nor do we breed them. Donations are not used for aesthetics in order to encourage donations. PLUS we are operated by a full volunteer staff!
Wolf Run currently has three licensed wildlife rehabilitators on staff who assist in the rehabilitation and release of orphaned wildlife. Another volunteer resides on the back of the property at WR and acts as manager and security.
Currently there are 42 lives that depend on us at the refuge. Of those, all will spend their lifetimes at Wolf Run.
Frequently asked questions:
Why did WRWR close to the public?
For many years we have come close to closing to the public. Some animals will simply not tolerate people. Keep in mind we are dealing with wildlife. Several years ago both of our African lions were moved to a facility in Indiana because our male, Serandi, became intolerant of humans. It was either close or move him to another sanctuary that had a private area where he was not on exhibit. Many other animals were dependent on the donations received from visitors and we chose to move the lions and continued to operate as a public facility. History repeated itself. This time with a group of adult wolf dogs we rescued, then a coyote and it became obvious what we would have to do. Wolf Run closed to the public in 2014.
Where does your money come from?
WRWR is blessed to have support from fellow animal lovers as well as our fundraising events.! WRWR receives no government funding.
Do you need volunteers?
WRWR is open to volunteers and for internships. We would love to have you so please sign up today! Volunteer!
Can my children come with me?
As much as we would like to say yes, I'm afraid that is not an option at this time.
What are Wolf Run's needs?
I think we all agree that our largest and most constant need is fencing and labor to install it. Wolf Run does not offer adoption programs for wildlife. While most shelters have turnovers, we do not. The non releasable animals we rescue are with us for their lifetimes and however thrilling it is to save a life, no rescue is complete until that animal is in a habitat. The need for fencing is ongoing and of the utmost importance. After all, it's not much of a life if you don't enjoy it.
Do the vets give you a good deal?
They do not. Usually we spend the same amount you would. But-our vets are exceptional and although there are less expensive clinics, we see a better outcome and would rather invest in experienced veterinarians rather than risk losing an animal.