Give a gift of love!
Virtual Animal adoptions!

Virtual adoptions allow you to help wild animals that have been abandoned, abused, and are unwanted. They are the wolf hybrids who live on chains, the blind fawn who cannot keep up with her mother, and many more that are each dependent on you to help them. WRWR receives no federal or government assistance. Since Wolf Run exists on private donations, it's up to our supporters who love and care for animals, to show them a new world. One that includes large, open habitats, ponds, hiding places and sunny spots!
What makes our supporters so special? Each of you accept that your love, respect and caring is done without the expectations of those feelings being returned. Your joy comes from knowing you've made the life of a wolf, bobcat or fox, a whole lot better!
These Adoptions help pay for medical their needs, food, toys and fencing! You get an adorable plush toy in your animals likeness, a certificate of adoption! What most people enjoy the most is a monthly , current video sent to your phone of your adopted animal living his or her best life! Its educational, fun and a great way to get to know your adoptee! So please look carefully at the photos below and see which one you connect with!
Looking for the perfect gift? Look no further! All ages will enjoy a gift that gives back!

First let us say, "thank you," for choosing to make a difference in the life of an innocent animal! It takes a special person to care about something they don't even know. But we're about to fix that! Your virtual adoption kit will include:
An adorable plush toy in your animals likeness.
A certificate of adoption personalized with your name and your animals name.
A bio briefly describing your animals history and their story of rescue.
PLUS we will pop in monthly , for six months, to text you a short video clip of your animal! You'll get to see what they're doing! Playing, snoozing under a shade tree, even eating! It's a great way to get to know your new wild animal!
All of this for just $65.00 + shipping!
* We give you our word, your phone number will never be shared! Please shop freely! Your privacy is our main concern!

Choose the animal you wish to adopt!
Bobcat Kitten


Wolf Cub

Fox Kit
Adopt Me!

Please allow four weeks for delivery.